Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dora's rally

Dora has rallied once again, much to my surprise. This is one of the difficult things about dry FIP. She's had two mild seizures that were very quick in ending, and each took her about a day to recover from. This is common in what I Have seen of dry FIP. Ickis's seizures were not mild and had he not died after the last one, I would have euthanized him, but the recover from them can be confusing.
What to do.... I certainly never want any cat to suffer, and yet here is Dora laying with my daughter watching a movie today. She ate well, drank some water and walked all over the house. SO when is the right time to let them go?
Well I'll be honest. There is nothing I dislike more than euthanizing an animal and I have had my share of it. I waited too long with Ickis, but his was the first case of dry FIP and I wasn't sure. I am now. I know now that if the seizure is a serious one then that is the time. Springy had a mild seizure, was okay for a few days, then had another mild one and died.
mild seizure....not always obvious, yet eyes unfocused, possible loss of urine control momentarily and general confusion afterward. We've also seen one side weakness after a seizure as well.
strong seizure...shaking, stiff paws, biting movements, incoherant, loss of urine and possibly bowls, unable to walk, or interact afterwards.
These are the types of symptoms I have seen with dry FIP seizures.
Dora is having another good day. She is interacting fine, enjoyed her food and is enjoying love, so to me, it's not quite her time yet. It will be soon, and if I see obvious suffering such as more serious seizures, not eating, not moving, pain, then I will have her euthanized. But cats have an amazing will to live and I try to walk the line of respecting that while minimizing suffering. It's not always a clear cut decision.

The picture is of Zilla and Dora enjoying an M&M box from Costco....

1 comment:

  1. It certainly is not always a clear cut decision on when to euthanize. I've been thru it many times myself and I always wonder if I made the right decision. I do know a couple times I did wait too long. I kept thinking they would rally. As long as Dora is eating and doesn't seem to be in pain I think you're right to wait. You'll know when it's time. Dora will let you know. Dora looks just like my Timmie who died last summer. She pulled the great escape and got out the door and hit by a car. We thought she was a he when when got her hence the name. She was FeLV+ but not symptomatic.
    Dora is in good hands and is probably loving the extra special attention she's getting. I do think that something you are doing is helping with the FIP. Not a cure yet but one step at a time.
