Monday, January 5, 2009

Zilla was the only kitten that came from the shelter with LadyMay and the only one the sparse records show she had. She was big for a kitten her age and she seemed to grow at a good pace for a few months.
She slept on my bed with a soft furry tiger that my daughter gave her and she loved. For her whole short life, she loved furry things. Particularly furry soft blankets. When Scott and I would go shopping, if we passed something soft, we'd call it a zillablanket. We brought home a variety of different blankets for our bed, mainly with the cats and Zilla in mind.
I think we'll probably refer to soft blankets as zillablankets for a long time.
Zilla was on whole foods now, and we discovered she would only eat chicken or turkey. She'd nibble on dry kitten kibbles, but mainly ate babyfood chicken, turkey and fresh roasted chicken and turkey. She had all her baby teeth in, but we also noticed her gums were always red and inflammed.
This picture is one of my very favorites. She loved sleeping with her tiger and dragged him around. We made "box" city for the kittens to play in and on now that they were all up and running.
Her tiger will always have a place on my bed, where she should still be if not for this terrible disease.


  1. She was lucky to have such a wonderful place albeit only for a short time. You spoiled her with soft blankets, lots of love and care - she had so much more than many cats ever get.

    FIP is dreadful. I lost Silvio to FIP. It still brings me to tears.

  2. I'm sorry you have suffered this disease as well. I am so sorry you lost Silvio.

    Lorri M
