Monday, January 12, 2009

I stopped up at the vet's office today to pick up a disk of Zilla's xray pictures. It was hard. I'm not sure why. I guess just seeing her name on the paperwork and knowing that I won't ever have an invoice or a lab report or a post card reminding me of her needing a check up.
I've been thinking about getting a tattoo with her name and picture. I have never gotten a tattoo, so it's an interesting thought to have. I guess the rebound sadness will just be part of my healing process. I can usually pass onto remembering all the good things without so much sadness fairly well, but I'm having a time of it with Zilla. She rarely left my side and wherever I was, so was she. I look to places where she'd always lay or sit and they are empty. What I wouldn't give to have her back by my side.

1 comment:

  1. Zilla was a very special kitty and you shouldn't feel bad about missing her and grieving for her. Let it out. You loved each other. She knew you would take care of her and you did. Go ahead and cry, it will get easier but it will take time.
